The Advisory Board is an external and interdisciplinary group of valued and recognised experts – scholars and practitioners, senior and early career – which share a strong interest in investigating the themes of the project.
Thanks to their recognised expertise and experience, the Advisory Board provides valued insight, guidance and advice on the strategic direction of the project, as well as on its normative, ethical, technical and methodological dimensions.

IHE Delft, Institute for Water
and Education,
Delft, The Netherlands

Department of International Development,
King’s College London, UK

Centre of Excellence in Disaster Management,
Development Management Institute,
Patna, India

Blue Sky Analytics,
Chandigarh, India

GeoKRISHI, Digital Data System
For Development, Kathmandu, Nepal Water Management Institute (IWMI),
New Delhi, India

London School of Economics
and Political Science, London, UK

Queen’s University, Kingston,

International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMOD),
Kathmandu, Nepal

Lancaster University,
Lancaster, UK